Who We Are

Scott Valley Scholarships and Educational Awards, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide educational opportunities for Scott Valley Unified School District students and alumni, to include but not limited to, providing scholarships and educational awards, and to develop those community relationships which support this mission.

Our History

In 1994 Scott Valley Scholarships first president Clarence Dudley, a rancher and businessman, stepped down after serving 15 years as President of the Board of Directors.  Previously he had given 20 years as a trustee of the Etna Union High School District.  His special gift was his fund-raising expertise as he had developed a knack for seeking donations.

Looking back in time, Clarence shared that, “The scholarship corporation idea can be attributed to the late Carl Black.  The Etna United Methodist Church used to hold a dinner to recognize students, and gradually Black’s idea came into focus.  The ‘seed’ of the original pot of funds was a combination of several existing scholarship funds and some cash raised in the community.  The concept was to raise an amount which would offer the scholarships and awards from the interest earned. “

Our Current Work

Established in 1980, the year 2024 marks the 44th year of the formation of Scott Valley Scholarships and Educational Awards. Since it’s inception, scholarship offerings have grown to include not only graduating seniors but the Alumni Scholarship as well.