Q: How do I Initiate a Scholarship ?

Contact any Scott Valley Scholarship Board member to indicate your interest in initiating a Scott Valley Scholarship.

Q: What are my scholarship start-up choices ?

A set amount may be given each year or a scholarship fund may be established. A common goal is to build the fund to a minimum of $10,000 and to utilize the earnings each year. While reaching this goal, a donor may want to add yearly to the earnings to give a scholarship of a certain amount. Be advised that all earnings from investments are used each year for scholarships.

Q: How are the records kept for each scholarship?

Each scholarship maintains its own identity, but funds are invested with other scholarship donations to earn the best dividends.

Q: Who selects the recipient of the scholarship?

The donor may establish the criteria to be used. Then there is a choice: donor or donor selected person(s) selects the recipient at a Community Night where other donors are doing their selection or the Scott Valley Scholarship Selection Committee will select based on the criteria given when possible.

Q: Who may receive these scholarships?

Graduating Scott Valley Unified School District seniors and alumni of Scott Valley Unified schools.

Q: What is the applicant procedure?

Applications are posted on the Etna High School Counseling website and are also available at the Etna High Counselor Office. Each student will complete the application online and submit the required back up documents to the Etna High School counselor.

Q: What is the recipient claiming procedure?

The Scott Valley Scholarship packet given to each scholarship recipient includes an Insert Page, which states students must carry a minimum of 12 units/credits to utilize the money, as well as instructions on how to claim the scholarship. If for some reason the student does not plan to use the scholarship monies that fall, he/she may email the Scott Valley Scholarship Board stating the reason and make a request for it to be available the following spring. A Scott Valley scholarship committee will deal with each request individually. If 12 units are not carried, the college financial aid office notifies the scholarship president and a scholarship committee determines if an exception should be made.